Q&A with Bill Summerville

Bill, You are an incredible host. Did your parents cook/entertain when you were growing up?

My Mother was a great cook. She just made things taste delicious. She had instinct, not technique. Her Roast Chicken, Gravy and Stuffing were legendary in our family.

Describe for me, a perfect weekend at home.

That’s a funny question after this past year. I’m teasing. But, I love my home even more after spending so much time here. Friends, a fire, cocktails, dinner. Taking a moment to slow the pace of the night and appreciate it.

You are so philosophical about hospitality, it’s deeply inspiring to me. You taught me that our goal in the restaurant is to give our guests an emotional experience. Tell about an emotional experience that you have been given at a restaurant? 

We were at Da Guido in Alba, Italy. It was the height of the evening and we were literally the only guests there. It turns out that when Mama, who is the chef, took our reservation it was for the only night they’re closed. They opened just for us.  

What are your favorite moments in an ordinary day?

My second cup of coffee in the morning. My cocktail in the evening. Noticing the small beautiful things we pass by everyday.

Over the years, you have imparted your love of sherry and shellfish to me. I’m obsessed. What do you think makes it magical?

One of my favorite things about wine is that it is magical. We do not always know what is happening with it or in pairings. But, perhaps it’s the salinity and viscosity that sync-up so beautifully with sea creatures.

Describe your perfect weekend abroad.

Rome. Just hanging out around Campo dei Fiori. Espresso and snack at Rosciolis’s stand up Bar, a little shopping at Chez DeDe, gnocchi at Roscioli Restaurant for lunch. Maybe a nap. Getting lost in Antica Libreria Cascianelli. Stroll the most romantic street, Via Giulia late at night.   

What is the most uniquely Bill item in your home? 

My Persian Carousel Horse, found it in Tuscany. A friend named him Kevin.

Do you have a philosophy for decorating your home? 

My home is filled with things from my travels. Beauty is very important to me.

Do you follow recipes?

Only if I’m baking. I take inspiration from recipes, but can’t be hemmed in by them.

Best wine pairing tip? 

Taste a really bad pairing so you recognize the good ones. 

Best cooking advice? 

Read lots of recipes. Read about cooks. Pay attention to technique. 

Best wine drinking tip? 

Drink alone at home. Close your eyes. Read. Read Andrew Jefford, because he said , “to go about naming its parts would demain its Beauty.” 

What is your favorite book?

I would have to say Hemingway’s “The Sun Also Rises.” There are many pages I could skips, but certain passages, I don’t know, they really evoke the emotion of the moment - I’m talking about the eating and drinking. No, Wait. “When French Women Cook.” from Madeleine Kamman. It’s a memoir about Mimi, Claire and the other women who shaped her life through cooking and love. 


Champagne Taste on a Cava Wage


Baked Stuffed Lobster